3rd Annual Golf Outing
2025 Golf Outing
Join us for the 3rd Annual Prowlers Hockey Association Golf outing.
Pine Hill Golf Club
4382 Kauffman Rd NW, Carroll, OH 43112
June 28, 2025
Check-in starts at 12:00 PM
Shotgun start at 1:30 PM
Foursome - $360
Individual - $90
Includes greens fees, golf cart, beverages, snacks on the course, dinner, and 5 Raffle Basket tickets.
Registration Deadline - May 31st
Prizes will be awarded for first place team, the longest drive, closest to the pin, longest putt and even more challenges!
Mulligans, 50/50 Raffle, Skins, Raffle Baskets will be available.
Five FREE Raffle Basket tickets will be included for each individual.
All proceeds benefit Prowler Varsity and Junior Varsity Teams.